Catching Rebecca

Trapped by family obligations, Rebecca Lynn Holbrook, the heir to Holbrook Industries, is not the spoiled rich girl everyone thinks she is. She’s a company asset to be sold and traded. In exchange for the cash infusion the company needs, Rebecca Lynn has seven days to complete a negotiated marriage contract. There’s just one hitch in the plan——her lover——sexy ex-Navy officer Darwin Masters.

Darwin Masters is not the man he used to be. He has no use for the constraints of society nor family expectations. When a tragic accident leads him back to Shell Cove, he finds healing and comfort in Rebecca Lynn’s arms. Focused on starting his security firm and building a new life with the woman he loves, Darwin is blindsided by news of Rebecca Lynn’s impending nuptials. 

But nothing is as it appears. When an impulsive decision lands Rebecca Lynn in Darwin’s arms once again, it sets off a chain reaction of dangerous consequences neither of them anticipated.

 With Rebecca Lynn in danger, and Darwin’s fledgling company in jeopardy, how will they protect their love and outwit the powerful enemy fast approaching?

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